As everyone probably knows we are going to need to get ourselves a new pitch in the fairly near future. This is going to cost around £180,000 and we think we are going to need to raise about 20%, or £36,000 ourselves. That equates to something like £180 for each member of the club, including the Kobras.
To raise this kind of money is going to require a massive effort from everyone in the club.
A fundraising committee has been appointed: Gurdial Duhre, Richard Savage, Kirsty Dunn and Beth Robinson. Some fundraising activity has already started - we held a bake sale at the last Kobras tournament, there was a raffle at the Inaugural Dinner and the ladies did some more baking for the recent Over-35s district tournament as well as holding a quiz night. This means we have raised something over £1000 so far. That's represented by the little green square at the bottom of the pitch opposite. £36,000 will take us most of the way to the 23-metre line.
It's a start, but there's a long way to go.
At the first fundraising committee meeting, we came up with quite a few ideas, but we could certainly use some more, so I thought we'd take this opportunity to throw it open to the floor.
How are we going to raise another £35,000? (And yes, the idea of everyone taking their clothes off for a calendar has already been mooted.)