Scottish Midland District has really been pushing forward on getting a programme of fixtures in place for the juniors this year and we are now onto our third indoor tournament of the winter, with outdoor matches to follow on close behind. Rumour has it that there will be still more frequent matches in 2016/17.
This weekend the U10s and U12 were in Dundee for indoor games against teams from all over the district - everywhere from Dunfermline to Dundee. The two U10 teams had a normal Kobras tournament : win some lose some - while the two U12 groups were much more on the pace, winning rather more than they lost. We were looking very competitive at this level, showing a lot of strength and determination in the tackle and with some good skills and spatial awareness on show too.
Thanks to Tricia Macpherson for this gallery of pictures from some of the U12 games. If anyone else has pictures they'd like to share, do send them over.