As you know, the AGM took place last night. The turnout was somewhat limited (guys, where were you?) so for those who were not there, here are the appointments for next season

President: Gurdi Duhre
VP: Gail Nelson
Club Secy: Claire Brownbridge
Treasurer: Andrew Montford
Mens Club Captain: Chris Robson
Ladies CC: Lindsey Broderick-Knight
Social: Kirsty Dunn
Mens Secretary: Ralph Hepburn
Ladies Secretary: Susie McIntyre
CPO: Michelle Best
Junior Convenor: Andrew McIntyre

M1s captains - tbc
M2s captains - Simon Williams, (Ralph Hepburn vice)
L1s captains - Amy Weatherup,  (Lynn Jack vice)
L2s captains - Wendy Marshall, (Catherine Wray vice)

The two issues arising are the captaincy of the M1s. Alex Ingram has offered to do on an interim basis, but he doesn't know if he will be playing in Kinross next season, so the men's section will need to be thinking about alternative arrangements.

In addition, the possibility of having two social convenors - one from the men's section and one from the ladies - has been raised. We really need someone from the men's section to step forwards here.
