Two ladies ganging up on an old man...

Well we got away with it by the skin of our teeth in terms of the weather - threatening all day, but not actually raining until the last few minutes, but what a good time we had! There was hockey skittles, hockey bowling, hockey croquet, target shooting and the legendary "bash the ball at a rolling tyre" game. There were beefburgers, cheeseburgers, cakes, biscuits and assorted unhealthy stuff. There were mini games, medium games, and a big game when the dads and lads, lots of daughters, and quite few players from the adult sections just all got on the pitch and played some hockey. 

This is the way it should be.

We raised just over £200 for club funds once all the costs were taken into account.

Thanks as ever to all those who helped organise, especially Vicky who ran the show like clockwork. And of course to all those who mucked in and cooked, baked, flipped burgers, ran activities, took photos, cheered everybody on, and generally helped the day run smoothly.

I was struck, when editing the photos, just how many people were smiling on the pitch. 

That's the way it should be too.