For those that couldn't make the annual dinner at the weekend, first of all you missed a cracking night out. For the record, we raised £574 towards club funds.

You also you need to know about the prizewinners for the season. That's them in the picture above. For the teams, the winners were as follows:

MVP* 1s - David McIntyre
MVP 2s - Iain Geddis
Most improved player - Cameron Banks
Young Player of the Year - Iain Geddis
Top Gun - Chris Robson

Players Player of the Year 1s - Sarah Collins
Players Player of the Year 2s - Sally Montford
Young Player of the Year - Amy Salmon
Top Goal Scorer 1s - Vicky Carver
Top Goal Scorers 2s - Kirsty Dunn

If you count them, no fewer than five prizes went to former Kobras. 

The president's prize, for outstanding contribution to the club, went to...the president herself, for seeing us safely through the merger. As Gurdi said in his valedictory speech, there was probably nobody else who could have pulled this feat off.

Also for the record, it should be recorded that as well as winning MVP for the M2s and young player of the year, Iain Geddis won most of the raffle prizes.

Not that I'm jealous or anything.

*For the uninitiated, "most valuable player".

